12 Jan 2015

Never Forget: Reading is for Fun

In 2011 I started blogging. For me. Because I loved reading; the thought of having my own little space on the internet to chat about the books I read made me giddy; I wanted to expand and take the next step in a hobby (yes, hobby) I’d done all my life. I’d wanted more, and I got it. In spades. Bookish friends who understood and related with my bookish problems. Being able to chat with awesome, kind authors and tell them how much I loved their book. Emailing with publishers and not being able to get over the fact you're emailing with publishers. Having the opportunity to review books, read titles early and squee'ing in excitement.

But along the long, I somehow got caught up in it all and I started blogging for others. I don’t know how it happened, but it did. I now blog for me (or at least try to. Sometimes you fall of the wagon) and it was Ashley's (@ Nose Graze) post that finally got to me. I was told by bloggers for years: blog for you, not for others. But it finally finally clicked when I read that post.

To get off track for a second, let me tell you about my current book: See, it’s a pretty good book, I like it, nothing against it, but I’m just not invested in it. I haven’t read it in days, and it’s not pulling me back; calling my name to be picked up; or on my mind when I’m not reading it. True signs of a good book. Which yes, not all books can be winners, but why am I trying to read a book I'm either not enjoying or excited about? It’s a review ARC, which makes things a little more complicated, but still. I did not start blogging to review titles or struggle through books, all for the sake of a review. Yes, when I requested it I was looking forward to it. Now that I’ve started reading, I’m not. I’ve given it a good go and as I state in my ‘review policy’ (which is currently MIA, but this is the gist if it), I reserve the right not to finish (therefore not review) a book if I’m not enjoying it. Does that still apply because it’s me doing the requesting and me not being the requestee? I think so.

And then Jen posted this and it hit me:

What am I doing? Put the book down and go pick up something else. Not enjoying that either? Try another. And again and again. Do this until you find a book that bring you happiness and makes you remember why you read. Or better yet, makes your mind clear, too busy with story and words to think, but a full heart, because, boy am I loving this book! As I said before, not all books can be winners, but that doesn’t mean time should be wasted on books we're not enjoying. Because in the words of a wise owl (oh, wait, that’s me!):

"I don't read to blog.”

So before I go on my merry way, I herby pledge to:
  1. limit review requests (which I already do, but I’ll take even more care before I request). Reviewing books and ARCs is a privilege, but it’s no fun when you’re not into the book. If it’s a book I've bought or borrowed, with no review hanging over your head, it’s much easier to put down and move on.
  2. DNF a book without guilt (I’ve gotten a lot better at DNF’ing, but still, sometimes it’s hard to do)
  3. read for myself - not authors, publishers, bloggers, readers.
  4. always remember I read because I enjoy it. Life’s too short to waste your time on a bad book.