
4 Feb 2015

Cake, Slumps and Hauls. Did I mention cake?

So…that was an unexpected hiatus, huh? I did not expect to be in a book slump so early on in the year; it’s really put a dent in my reading. But for now, let's catch up with each other - and in the process, maybe get to know each other better? Like, what's your favourite kind of cake? As you can see, very important questions ahead, so beware ;) 

I finished Dangerous Girls the other week, which I really enjoyed. Fast-paced and thrilling - just the kind of book I need to pull me out. I’ve just started The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, which I’ve heard a lot about over the years. I have a feeling it’s going to get real interesting... I just met Noah Shaw. I also have my eye on Far From You. Have any fast-paced, unputdownable book recs for me? They'd be much appreciated!

When I slump, I slump, so I’ve been watching a lot of tv. Jamie Oliver, True Blood, Chicago Fire. What have you been watching lately?

In case you didn’t know - I love cookbooks. Especially Family Food, Pete Evan’s latest. I've been thinking I might start reviewing them. Is that something you'd be interested in? Are you a fan of cookbooks like I am?

My Dive Into Diversity book for January was The Secret Side of Empty. I’ll have a review up soon, but I really liked it. It was the first book I’d read about an undocumented immigrant and it definitely moved me in ways I didn’t expect it to. I have some catching up to with all the reviews/links left in last months link-up, but it looks impressive from what I’ve seen! We’ll be posting the February linky next Tuesday so watch out for that. Don’t forget, you can link up anytime throughout the month. What recent diverse books have you read for the challenge? What's up next?

My Boxing Day order from Bookoutlet arrived! Just a few books…. ha! Which books did you pick up during the sale, if any? 

Oh, and I made this birthday cake for my uncle. It’s a Portuguese flag cake, with a chocolate, Tim Tam middle. What's your favourite cake? I'm a huge fan of carrot cake with lemon cream cheese icing. Hmmmm

Hopefully I'll be back into the swing of things soon. Until then, bear with me, OK? And let me know what you've been up to!


  1. A thrilling book I'd recommend is Boy Nobody by Allen Zadoff, I read most of it in one sitting! And EEK you got Skulduggery Pleasant! I have yet to read the last 2 books but I absolutely LOVE the series. Enjoy!

  2. AHHH so many beautiful books from book outlet! I hope you enjoy every single one of them :)

  3. That's a great selection of books. I especially love Rats Saw God!

  4. Favorite cake: fudge chocolate or red velvet cake - yum! Okay let's be real I like cake. Period. Carrot cake is another favorite. Yum.
    I recently watched Hinderland on Netflix - I really liked it and wish there were more episodes. Nothing is really drawing me in lately on Netflix. A friend just recommended The Killing and Cosmos.
    I am not a cookbook reader really. I like to get a good one and refer to it a lot because I am NOT great at cooking and desperately need an easy to understand recipe. I like Not Your Mother's Weeknight Cookbook.
    Not book recs, most things I've read lately I kind of feel meh about. Which is a bummer.

  5. Fab book haul! I just discovered Sherlock - I know, I'm so late to the party! Loving it :) My favourite cake is that delicious caramel mud cake you can get at The Cheesecake Shop.... mmmm now I'm thinking about cake ;)

    - Michelle @ The Unfinished Bookshelf

  6. THAT CAKE OH GOODNESS U ARE A GODDESS. I have just been catching up on the latest mindy project, in my little absence as well hahaha
