
22 Aug 2012


Today I am here to appreciate, the one and only, Kody Keplinger! I absolutely ADORE Kody’s books and seriously, if you haven’t read them yet, you are missing out. Without further ado, here is why I appreciate, Kody Keplinger!

At the end of 2011, I made a book resolution that in 2012, I would finally read a book by Kody Keplinger. Were well and truly over the half year mark, and I am happy to say I’ve completed this goal and then some.

I got Shut Out for my birthday in March, read it soon after and loved it. It was everything I had hoped it would be and more. This was the book that first started my love for Kody, and I knew that after reading that one book, whatever she wrote I would love and so far I haven’t been disappointed. Not long after I got my hands on a copy of The DUFF and…wow, just wow. I simply adored it! I had previously pre-ordered A Midsummer’s Nightmare and when it arrived, I started reading it straight after The DUFF. And just like everything Kody writes, I loved it.

I love EVERYTHING about Kody’s books but what I love most is her absolute honesty and the way  she doesn’t shy away from subjects such as drinking, sex or anything else teenagers do. She deals with these issues tactfully and realistically.

I absolutely can’t wait for Goldfish to release in 2013. *squeals* I’ve heard it’s very different from her other work, but I’m sure it will be just as amazing!

I love every single one of Kody’s books (I get giddy just by looking at them on my bookshelf). I could continue fangirling all day, but I’ll stop for now. Thank you, Kody, for sharing your talent and amazing stories with the world. I hope you know I appreciate you!

Find Kody on: Goodreads | Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook
Author Bio: Kody Keplinger was born and raised in rural western Kentucky. She always enjoyed writing and began working on "novels" when she was eleven. She wrote her first published work, THE DUFF, during her senior year of high school. Since then, Kody has written two other novels, SHUT OUT and A MIDSUMMER'S NIGHTMARE. Kody currently lives in NYC and writes full time. She enjoys Thai food, Converse tennis shoes, and way too much television.


  1. I think I'm gonna have to check out one of her books, if you love her so much. I remember reading a bio of her awhile ago and being impressed that she wrote The Duff while in high school. Which book would you suggest starting with?

    1. Agreed, very impressive! Hmm, well, The DUFF is my favourite but then Shut Out started my love for Kody but A Midsummer's Nightmare has a bit more depth... Hard choice! I love them all...which one appeals to you most? :)

  2. DLAGDJFHADJAF. Posts like this make me CRAZY excited to read... well... EVERYTHING Kody's ever written :D

    Couple with your amazing reviews? BECCA. I LOVE SO BAD ♥

    1. Oooh, do do that! Read EVERYTHING written by Kody :D Her and her books = awesome!

      What do you love? Becca, the post, Kody? Or everything? ;D

  3. I am so glad you liked Shutout! I still haven't read it but really desperately want to!!

    1. I LOVED Shut Out and it's all thanks to you for introducing me and Kody! Seriously, Amy, THANK YOU.


      Hope you get to read Kody's other books soon because if you love Shut Out, your sure to love her others :D

  4. Awwww! I LOVE your passion for her books. You know you've found a special author when you get giddy just looking at the books on your shelf :) I really need to read some of Kody's novels to see what all the gushing fuss is about. BRILLIANT, sweet, inspires-me-to-read post, Arnette! <3

    1. *blushes* I love my passion for her books, too. Her books are amazing and so entertaining. Love, love, love. You must and soon! I hope you love them as much as I do. No worries, Arnie! <3

      buahahaha, two can play this game ;D

  5. I've never read any of Kody's books, but I know it's because I'm so new to the contemps. I totally plan to.

    The thing that draws me to WANT to read them so much is that I've heard so many mixed things about them - the very things you like about her books are the things that make them controversial, I guess. The honesty about what young people 'do' - I've always said on my blog that mixed reviews or mixed opinions make me want to read books even more, so Kody is definitely high on my to-read list. One thing that I love about her fans is that they really do love her work, so that seems really promising to me. I'm excited about getting my hands on some of it one day soon.

    Also, I love the cover of A Midsummer's Nightmare - that girl is seriously doing some speaking with those eyes!! :)

    1. Glad to hear, hope you get round to her book soon. SO GOOD.

      That girly on A Midsummer's Nightmare is giving off a great 'Don't you mess with me' vibe. +A

  6. I really wanna check out her books, it seems like she has some awesome female characters that I would enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

    Kristin @ Young Adult Book Haven
