
11 Aug 2012

AAA: Interview with Elizabeth Eulberg, author of THE LONELY HEARTS CLUB

For today’s AAA author post, I am pleased to present: Elizabeth Eulberg! So far, she has published three YA novels and is best known for her debut novel, The Lonely Hearts Club. In 2011, Prom and Prejudice released and in April 2012, Take A Bow was published. And look out 2013 because Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality is coming your way! It is with great excitement that I bring you this awesome interview. Please give a warm welcome to, Elizabeth Eulberg!

What's it like when you hear someone loved one of your books?
It's THE BEST! Writing can be such a solitary existence. You work really hard on something by yourself and then hold your breath when it's released out in the world. Knowing that people enjoy what you write is so gratifying. I don't think an author can ever get tired of being told that you enjoy their books!

In early 2011, you made the transition to writing full-time. What made you decide to do this?
I never, and I mean NEVER, thought I'd be in a position to write full-time. I was so fortunate that everything lined into place. At first I thought I would only be able to do it for a year, but so far so good (fingers crossed!). I do realize every day how lucky I am to be able to do what I love. I never take it for granted.

How much time do you spend writing a day?
It depends entirely on the day. This summer I'm working on a first draft. So in the morning, I'll go to the gym, run errands, answer e-mails, all while making notes of what I'm going to write in the afternoon. Sometimes it's three hours of straight writing, sometimes it's seven. It all depends on what I've got figured out. Then after I'm done writing, I briefly write down what I need to get done the next day. Then the thinking begins. Even though I spend only a few hours actually writing, I spend most of my waking hours planning and thinking.

We can't even begin to imagine how busy and crazy authors are. What's your writing schedule and deadlines like? How do you manage to fit everything in?
I think I've got my scheduled figured out at this point (knock on wood!). Generally I write a first draft in the summer. Then I spend the fall revising it on my own and asking friends for feedback. I turn it into my editor before Christmas. Then I spend the first three or four months of the year working with my editor on revisions, line edits and copyedits. This is usually the time that I'm promoting the previous book so that's the trickiest time. Talking about and traveling for the last book while polishing the new book. Then you repeat! My deadlines for revisions vary. I'm pretty fast, as long as I know what I'm doing!!

What's your best author moment so far?
I'm lucky I've had so many! A few weeks ago I did an event on Long Island. I walked into the library and these two girls come running up to me, told me they loved my books and gave me a hug. You really can't beat that!
Find Elizabeth on: Goodreads | Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook 

A big thank you to Elizabeth for her time! If you’re a fan of Elizabeth and her books, be sure to take the time to say ‘thanks’.
Don't forget to go enter the AAA giveaway! It's open internationally, and there are DOZENS of books to be given away!


  1. I want to read her upcoming book just because of the title! Love it.

    I'm really enjoying all these AAA interviews. :) Thanks Elizabeth and Rebecca!

    1. It sure is an awesome title :) Aww, thank YOU! I love that your enjoying the AAA posts and thank you so much for your comments!

  2. I love Elizabeth's books! I haven't had a chance to read Take a Bow yet, but TLHC and P&P are fantastic. I think TLHC was the first book I'd ever bought off The Book Depository too, so it has a special place in my heart. That and all The Beatles references! Total love!!!!

    1. You now have me DYING to get my grabby hands on a copy of TLHC. I was excited before but now I'm done for :D

  3. Awwww that was so sweet having the two girls come and give her hugs.... it's one thing to have people tweet or email you, but experiencing the author love in real life? Priceless. I love sneaking a peek into an authors daily routine - how many hours they spend writing, how they fit writing around their everyday life. Huge kudos to her and every other writer for their dedication and ability to make a SCHEDULE!

    I've read The Lonely Hearts Club and Prom & Prejudice and loved them both! So need to read Take A Bow and.... what?! A new novel in 2013? I did not know this!! EXCITED.

    1. It must be surreal, author moments I mean ;D YES, NEW NOVEL, 2013!

  4. Awesome! I totally love Elizabeth Eulberg and all her novels

  5. Aaaaah, I LOVE this interview, and I LOVE hearing she's been able to make the shift to writing full time! I mean, seriously, that's the dream, right? Also, oh my goodness, Elizabeth is SO PRETTY! :O

    1. I LOVE this interview, too! *hi5* Agreed, Elizabeth is gorgeous! I love that picture of her ;D

  6. This is such a great interview, I really loved The Lonely Hearts Club and I plan on reading Elizabeth's other novels, too. I think it's easy to forget just how much thought and work goes into a novel! And what a sweet moment at the library!

    1. AGREED. It's easy, too easy, to forget how much time, sweat, blood, tears not to mention heart and soul, goes into the making, writing, producing and editing of a novel. And that is why Author Appreciation August was created!

  7. This was such a sweet interview! I especially loved her answer to the last question. I'm sure making fans so happy that they run up to you the second they see you is worth it for a writer!

    1. Aw, thanks Lili! Definitely, I can only imagine what that feeling is like, when an authors meets their fans and get to hear that they love their books!

  8. I just recently finished The Lonely Hearts Club, and I LOVED it! Thanks, Elizabeth, for writing that book! I really want to get Take A Bow soon :)

    1. Yay! Can't wait to read The Lonely Hearts Club so it's great to hear people enjoying it :)

  9. Oh my gosh! I haven't read any of her books but I've been seeing her name pop up EVERYWHERE lately! Everyone loves her stuff!

    And WOW, how grounded in her success is she? It is SO NICE to read someone so happy with what they are doing and so appreciative of their fan base and their success. This interview was like a breath of fresh air! Loved it! Thank you for sharing it. :)

    1. Elizabeth is lovely and it makes me love her all the more. Can't wait to check out the rest of work. And hopefully you get your hands on a book by her soon! :)
