
21 Feb 2015

Love-A-Thon: Get To Know Me

Welcome to Love-A-Thon - the good-vibes, sharing-the love event, hosted by Alexa Loves Books. If you aren'y familiar with it, it's "dedicated to exploring the blogging community, leaving a comment or two, meeting new friends and fostering positivity among the bloggers of the community."

I took part in this last year and had a blast, so I’m glad to be back for a second time. I think it’s also the perfect way to get back into blogging. FYI: if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been the last few weeks, I've been in a terrible book slump and have also had problems with the internet, which has now been resolved. I’m still working on the former. Participant or not, I hope you enjoy the posts and I look forward to chatting with you guys. Don’t forget to spread the love x
Lightning round: 
What’s your name?
Rebecca. And you are?
Where in the world are you blogging from?
How did you get into blogging in the first place?
I stumbled upon Goodreads, which led me to some Aussie blogs. I loved the idea of reviewing books and having my own space on the net to chat books. And as they say, the rest is history.

How did you come up with your blog name?
I went through such a long process, it was like naming a child, ha! I finally decided I wanted ‘Wishes’ in the title, but also knew I wanted to associate it with something bookish. And so, Reading Wishes was born.

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog? 
Contemporary, without a doubt.

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?
Just random bookish things, I suppose? Anything that comes to mind, really. And I try to get some discussions in, too. That is, when my brain actually works! You’ll also see diversity on the blog as I’m hosting the Dive Into Diversity challenge with Rather Be Reading blog!

Best blogging experience so far?
I don’t think I can just choose one. But I have to say, being able to connect with so many authors has been such a pleasure. If you’d asked me 5 years ago I’d be chatting, tweeting, emailing and even interviewing them, I would’ve looked at you like you were nuts.

Favourite thing about the blogging community?
The people I've “met" is definitely the best thing about blogging. Over the years, I’ve made friends with bloggers and readers from all around the world. It’s pretty damn amazing.

Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2015!
The Devil You Know, None of the Above, The Start of Me And You, No More Confessions, Pieces of Sky (and of course, this is only a handful. I showed much discipline here…)

What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?
Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield. This book and Jellicoe Road are two of my absolute favourites. If you love beautiful contemporary, you must read this! OK? OK.

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?
I love creating; dancing; binging tv shows.

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?
Clothes shopping! Funny thing: I actually used to hate shopping for clothes when I was younger. I also love browsing for a tv series or movie.

At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?
Anything with a good beat. One of my recent faves: Uptown Funk.

Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book. 
Jellicoe Road, which is in the works of becoming a movie. Fingers crossed!

Until tomorrow! Now, I'm off to catch some zzz's... 


  1. Have a great weekend with the LoveAThon and thanks for the diversity link ups this year. I have linked up some of my books with you.

  2. I'm so excited for The Start of Me and You too, it sounds adorable!! ooh I've always wanted to visit Australia, it sounds so lovely. I never really particularly paid attention to the need for diversity, I might even have been a bit reluctant to embrace it, but now I'm fully behind it! I love diversity in YA. Lovely getting to know you!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  3. High five! No More Confessions is all ready on my Kindle waiting for me to read it soon :D Lol. And I gotta agree about where you were 5 years ago in relation to blogging. I couldn't have imagined myself interacting with authors online. It's so cool how blogging opened that possibility up for me too :)

  4. UPTOWN FUNK DANCE PARTY! *shimmies* No, but seriously, that song is just all too easy to dance along to whenever I hear it... which may have been more times than I want to admit today. Ahem. I think you'll like The Start of Me and You! It's such a cute contemporary novel, and again, Emery nails friendship in it. Oh, and the romance too!

    Thanks for joining the Love-a-thon!

  5. OMG ALL THE BOOKS YOU'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO!!! They're all contemporaries huh ;)

    I live for clothe shopping. In fact, I have to go through several bans throughout the year hehe

  6. Okay you're making me want to drop everything and read Jellocide Road immediately. I've wanted to read it for some time but than never got around to it (although I know it's a personal favourite of so many bloggers and readers)
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog
