
28 Jul 2015

Reading Wishes Turns 4 & Giveaway

Hello friends! Today, four years ago, I put out my first post, but little did I know all that blogging would bring…

If you haven’t been following for a while, you might not realise that I haven't truly celebrated my blogoversary before. For one reason or another, there was always something going on that prevented me from having the celebration I wanted to throw. Last year I was in Germany, then in 2013 I was on holiday in England, and in 2012, I was busy organising the Author Appreciation August event. If you’ve been here for all of that, I congratulate you. You’re a trooper. Considering today marks my fourth year of blogging, I knew I couldn’t let today slip by. Thankfully, I finally made it and with GIF's to spare!

Firstly, whether you’re a new or old follower, thank you for reading. I appreciate it. I really do.

I know I've never been the most consistent blogger, and for a long time I felt guilty about that, but after nearly calling it quits early last year, it’s just a wonder that I’m still here after all this time. Close friends have come and gone, slumps have been an unfortunate constant from time to time, personal crap has certainly gotten in the way, blogging mojo has been lost - and yet I still have posts to write and things to say and books to push - have you read Jellicoe Road yet? Friday Brown? The Last Leaves Falling You should. And if not, have I not been doing my job right? More on that later… I don’t how long I’ll be blogging for, but today marks 4 year - FOUR YEARS, PEOPLE - and I’m damn proud of that. It’s been bumpy, wonderful years and I’ve got a lot of great memories and had amazing experiences that without this blog, I never would’ve had. …gosh damn I’m getting nostalgic!

From my first post, to my first comment, to my first follower. Looking forward to a comment, having it brighten my day, interacting with gorgeous like-minded readers and becoming friends, regardless of where they live in the world. To an author reaching out, thanking me for my review. Or that author I struck up a special friendship with, after emailing them to say how excited I was for their book to release; never did I know how many emails we’d send back and fourth, talking books and writing. Holding my first blog event and all the work that went into it, but how worth it all was. The book events and signings I’ve attended, along with the Perth bloggers I’ve gotten to know and catch up with in real life. And that’s just the half of it, I’m sure.

To thank you for sticking around, here’s a giveaway to win some of my very favourite books. Win or not, I hope you check them out because I have fantastic taste in books and these are the best. So go forth! And Aussies: don't forget to enter the other giveaway on Twitter to win a signed book of Friday Brown! You want this book, OK?!

Lastly, I'd love if you shared a blogging memory with me. Maybe you have a story of how you first stumbled upon my blog or when we met or an interaction. What's been your favourite moment here at Reading Wishes? Indulge me, I'm feeling nostalgic, OK? Plus, don't forget who's giving away the free books now. Buahaha! 

Or if you've already read all of these - hooray, for you! - you can choose another book from my list of favourites.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. happy blogoversary!!! 4 years - wow!! that's really awesome. hope the next 4 are just as great :D

  2. CONGRATS ON 4 YEARS!! (We're actually the same bloggy age! OMG! XD I turned 4 in May.) *sprinkles you with celebratory cake* I cant' remember how I found you exactly...I think you found me? and then I sneaked to your blog and saw you were Australian and then followed you. hehe. We Aussies must STICK TOGETHER.

  3. Congratulations!! I tend to follow links, so chances are that is how I found you long ago.

  4. OMG REBECCA! This is so exciting :D Congratulations on 4 years <3 I'm so proud of you and how far you've come both personally, and with your blog :)
    Can't wait for our next catch up xxx

  5. I already congratulated you on twitter but CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN, BEC, BECAUSE HOLY COW... 4 YEARS??? SERIOUSLY SUCH AN AMAZING ACCOMPLISHMENT! Here's to many more fabulous years of blogging <33

  6. Happy 4 Years ! If I were to win I'd definitely without a doubt pick Jellicoe Road. My high school teacher recommended it to me several times after we found out whatever books she loved I did too. Vice versa. I just never got around to buying it and now this amazing giveaway. *inserts loveheart emojis* *dances around in a circle*

  7. Woooo! Four years! How exciting fellow Perth blogger! I believe I found Reading Wishes through an Aussie Group, and I think the first time we met was at Melina Marchetta! What a wonderful night was had an a friendship was formed.

    Congratulations on your bloggerversary and many more to come! xox

  8. Happy blogoversary! I just surpassed four years of blogging in May. Hard to believe it's been that long!

  9. HAPPY BLOGVERSARY! Congratulations on 4 years! :) I haven't read any of your favorites but I've wanted to read Jellicoe Road for so long.

  10. Huge congrats on 4 years! That's amazing!! Thank you for the giveaway, lovely <3 I've never read any of those three books the winner can choose from, and I've only ever heard about Jellicoe Road, so that'll be the one I choose if I win :)

  11. I would choose Jellicoe Road. I have seen many good reviews of it and I am super interested.
    Also. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! I have had a book blog and when it turned 1 I was like WOAAAH!!!! MY BLOG IS 1 YEAR OLD!!! #BOSS!

  12. Happy blogoversary!! I am not a blogger but I do read reviews from blogs. If I win, I honestly don't know what book I will choose, so please surprise me 😊😊

    Thankyou for the giveaway! You are so nice. 😊

  13. I honestly can't even remember WHEN I started following your blog, Rebecca! I love your content, whenever I do get around to catching up every few months. XD I'm so freaking lazy, I swear.. Funny how quickly the time flies, hey? Happy 4 years! <3 Heres to many more that are sure to come in the years to come! *sigh* I'm just thinking back to where I was when I FIRST started blogging, compared to where I am now. Just throws me off everytime.

    Anyway, thanks for the giveaway! ^_^ Hope to meet you someday!

  14. HAPPY FOUR YEARS, REBECCA! My blog is a little over half the age of yours, which is SO WEIRD. Two years feels like ages to me, and I have no idea how I'll feel when I hit four. Anyway, it's super amazing that you've stuck with blogging so long - what an achievement! :D

    I am about 100% sure we found each other through our mutual love for SIMON <3 Goodness gracious, that book *squishes it*

    I have not read your three special favourite books *gasping* But I am also really behind on reading so many books so EEP. I would love to read On the Jellicoe Road because people call Marchetta 'Queen' and whatnot, and she's also Australian. I love to read Aussie YA :D

    Also, your favourite shelf has nine books, and my 'freaking perfection' shelf also has nine books so we twin *dances*

    (I did not know you were on Bloglovin! I never see the buttons. EVER. I swear I've finally followed some of my favourite blogs this week because I have finally seen their Bloglovin buttons XD)

  15. Happy blogoversary!!! I found your on Twitter and I love it! Don't have a blog but I love blog hopping Also if I won I'd pick The Last Leaves Falling.
