
11 Aug 2015

Dive Into Diversity: Cover Chat

Just as all people deserve to read books and see themselves on the page, it’s also important for them to see themselves on covers. So today I'd like to chat covers - starting with authors who have taken matters (and covers) into their own hands, along with sharing favourites. Because who doesn't love a cover well done?

Authors who write diverse stories are also determined and passionate about their covers representing authentically. Take Dahlia Adler’s recent f/f Under the Lights, for example. If you’ve read the cover reveal post you’ll see how hard it was in trying to bring this cover to life. As Dahlia said: "So, two girls, who are clearly into each other, one of whom is Asian-American. Surely there’s an endless abundance of stock photos of that, right?” But thankfully with Maggie Hall’s (author and designer) help, as you can see, they got there in the end!

Another cover I want to mention is a recent cover reveal for More Than Fashion by Elizabeth Briggs. In case you didn’t notice from the cover, it’s NA ;) After unsuccessfully browsing stock sites trying to find an interracial couple, the author decided to take matters into her own hands and put on a custom photo shoot, which you can read about here.

While these were both successful covers, most authors don’t get much say in their covers, if any, and lot of it comes down to publishers and their choosing. The good thing I discovered after searching and putting a tweet out for others to have their say, was that I didn’t get much negative feedback (i.e.: whitewashing), apart from Nicole pointing out Immortal Rules original cover. But that’s not to say there hasn't been disappointment and white-washing in the past because I’m sure there has been.

All I can hope is that we’re becoming a more diverse, rich book community and covers will accommodate that. 2015 has been a pretty fantastic year of diversity and I hope this is just the beginning of many, many more wonderful diverse titles to come, along with that many, many more badass diverse covers!

As for my favourites? The Last Leaves Falling (US version) is my not only one of my favourite diverse covers, but one of my favourites in general. Oh, how I love it! It's stunning and eye-catching and it's so damn perfect for this book. And if I haven't read this yet, PLEASE DO. I haven't been able to review this yet, it's a bit too close and personal for me to put into words, but this book is so incredible and brilliant.

Dumplin is just downright fabulous. Her stance is bold and awesome and I have a feeling I'm going to love this book! Such a simple yet wonderful cover, don't you think?

I've been a fan of the Lies We Tell Ourselves since I first laid eyes on it. I love how it's a yearbook.

So now it's your turn to chat - sound off in the comments and tell me which diverse covers you love! Also, what would you like to see more of on covers? What's missing? As always, link up your diverse reviews below. I look forward to seeing what you've been reading!


  1. This is an amazing post! I have been putting off Last Leaves Falling for far too long, I absolutely NEED to read it (though I am scared for my emotions!). Dumplin's cover is amazing too- and I love how people have been recreating it! These are definitely ALL cover wins. I also LOVE that Dahlia and Elizabeth were able to get the covers that their books deserved too! Thanks for sharing these!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  2. It's so refreshing to see diverse covers that represent our amazing stories of young adult. I think diversity has taken huge leaps and bounds this year, but we still need cover designs to catch up sadly. I think it probably comes down to not having those stock photos represent all walks of life, just the standard male / female / attractive and smiling couple isn't enough anymore. Under The Lights is an amazing cover and I'm absolutely thrilled that cover designers are meeting the market needs as well. Awesome post Bec, let's hope we see more and more covers representing that diversity that we've all been calling for <3

  3. This is a brilliant post. I know a lot of authors don't get a say on there covers, but it must be nice to be able to get the cover you want, even if you have to put on a photo shoot yourself.
