5 Jan 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 - Sign-Up, Goals and Updates

Ever since I participated in Bout of Books for the first time last year, I’ve been looking forward to joining in the fun again and now the wait is over - it starts tomorrow! I always end up having a bit of a reading break around Christmas and I’m still getting back into it so a read-a-thon sounds perfect, especially since I’m trying to keep on top of the goals and challenges I’ve set myself – I don’t want to get behind! In case you have no idea what I’m talking about:
Bout of Books
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.
I was very happy with what I accomplished last time so I plan to stick to that again:

My Goals:
- Read at least 5 books - Titles TBD
- Participate in 2 challenges
- Participate in 1 Twitter chat
- Chat with other participants & discover new blogs


Number of books read as of today: 1 (technically I was already halfway through the book but it still counts, right? RIGHT?!)
Number of pages read as of today: 150
Challenges for today: -

Number of books read as of today: 1
Number of pages read as of today: 168
Challenges for today: 1, Book Buying Wishlist Spree

Number of books read as of today: 0
Number of pages read as of today: 20
Challenges for today: -

Number of books read as of today: 0
Number of pages read as of today: 41 (and hoping for a few more!)
Challenges for today: None but I participated in a twitter chat. Fun!

Number of books read as of today:
Number of pages read as of today:
Challenges for today:

Number of books read as of today:
Number of pages read as of today:
Challenges for today:

Number of books read as of today:
Number of pages read as of today:
Challenges for today:

Book Buying Wishlist Spree, hosted by Bookish Comforts!

Have you signed up? What books do you plan to read for the event?


  1. I look forward to seeing what you end up reading!!! Good luck!
    Bout of Books Goals & Updates

  2. 5 books seems like a reasonable goal, I think that's the most I've read in one of these, but I also worked that week. Good luck this week!

  3. Look's line you're doing a great job. Good luck with the rest of the read-a-thon.

  4. The end of your Bout of Books looks about like mine. The weekend came and I was done!
