15 Nov 2014

Getting to Know You Blog Hop & Giveaway

When I first heard about this blog hop hosted by fabulous Cuddlebuggery, I wasn't blogging and was away on a hiatus of sorts. But when I heard about it the second time, I knew I couldn't not join in and quickly signed up. I haven't always been the most love to hear from you, whoever who are. As long as you're not a weirdo. Oh gosh, please don't be a weirdo. *runs away*

For those that don't know me, I'm Rebecca and I started blogging in July 2011. I've been a reader all my life, I'm open to most genres, but my favourite genre is contemporary and I love books. A lot. *waves* Read on if you dare...

I reached out to Twitter the other night, asking if you guys had any questions for me. Turns out you did. And here they are...

Do you like cheese? I do! I had the best cheese last week. It was delicious. Damn Kat, now I want cheese!
Where do you get them snazzy headbands? Why, thank you! The answer: here and there. I'm always on the hunt for pretty headbands and for those in Australia, so far I've found my finds at  Colette, Sportgirl and my most recent addition, from Asos.
What's in your cupboards? Food. Shocker, right? Who'd have guessed?
Favourite music genre? Indie Rock and Alternative.
How does ink come out of pens? You press down and KABOOM, ink.
How do you feel about cupcakes? I love cupcakes. Cupcakes are delicious. My sister makes a mean red velvet.

6 things off my bucket list:
See the Northern Lights.
Go stargazing.
Write a book. One day.
Go horseback riding.
Own a Buffy t-shirt.
Do good; start a movement or campaign for something I believe in, charity work and such.

As for movies, TV and music? I'm a big fan of all three and am always on the hunt for recommendations, especially new tunes and artists. You should my to-watch lists for TV and movies - it is long. Here's a few of my favourites:

TV shows: 
Buffy. As we speak, I'm currently re-watching an episode. I only discovered this show in 2012, but it's kind of changed my life. I love it so.

A newer series I started this year that's another fave of mine? An Aussie show, called Offspring. It's absolutely amazing. I only have good things to say about this one. Watch it! (And hey, if you wan't to hear more about my TV habits, let me know. I'm thinking a post might be in order!)

Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Death at a Funerall, Forrest Gump

Two of my favourites, Ed Sheeran (LOVED his new album) and The Lumineers (please release a new album already!). Also a fan of Birdie, Sam Smith, Lorde, some 80's, Fleetwood Mac. I also love dance'y, fun music, but not so much Top 40 pop stuff. One of my all time fave songs: Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine <3

If you have rec's, PLEASE send them my way; new or old. I need some new tunes to listen to. Basically, I'll give anything a listen and I'm pretty open with genres.

A book special to me...
I have many books I hold dear to my heart. But today, I'd like to chat about one of favourites, which is deserving of way more attention than it's so far received; a book not nearly enough people know about or have read. That book? Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield (aka Friday Never Leaving in the US).
Found on Young Adult Anonymous
P.S. You'll win the UK edition. (right)
It's an Aussie YA contemporary, raw and beautiful, and it will do things to your heart. And because I think this book deserves so much more attention and love, I'm giving you the chance to win a copy. Winner or not, I hope you'll give this book a shot and that maybe I've convinced you to go read it. And if you do, I'd love to know what you think. As long as Book Depository ship to you, you can enter! Thanks for stopping by! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oooh, this is exciting! Some of my favourite books that I would recommend (if you haven't read them already) are 1984 by George Orwell, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and the play A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen (if you can't already tell, I absolutely love the classics!). x

  2. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets to the Universe is one of my favourite recs :D

    1. I've only heard great things about that book! It currently sits on my shelf and I can't wait to read it soon.

  3. I love that you brought attention to books that deserve more fanfare. Glad you joined the hop!

    1. Thanks Gina! Friday Brown is one of my favourites and it definitely needs more attention. So what better excuse than to force it upon people and give a copy away?

  4. I do love movies. I have a few favorites on DVD. At the moment I am racing through the OUTLANDER series.

    1. I've heard only good things about that series. Happy reading!

  5. Hooray for BUFFYYY! AND CUPCAKES! And answering my questions. I should have made more but I went to bed at 10 because I am old and that's what I do.

    Also, Brocakes forced me into watching Offspring too and it's quite nifty. Especially her delightful owl collection and the fact that she is crazycakes.


    My favourite cheese is not Gouda. It is Haloumi and Woolworths Mozarella cos the little cows don't get murdered for it (AKA, no animal rennet.)

    1. Ha, thanks for the questions, they were fun to answer :D Brodie is awesome for forcing Offspring on you and also for bringing it my attention. It's been one of my favourite shows of the year.

      You don't like red velvet? HOW is that possible? I'm guessing you've just never had a good one...

      My favourite isn't Gouda either, but I couldn't resist the She's the Man reference ;)

  6. Have you watched any of Joss Whedon's other shows? Buffy is definitely what started it all (and is AMAZING. I started a rewatch a while back, but I'm not as good about rewatching tv as I am rereading books haha), but I've loved all of his shows lots and lots. And I love Florence + the Machine! Definitely one of my favourite artists.

    Songs you should check out because I'm obsessed with music and think you might like these:
    We A Fall Down - Sweet Talk Radio
    24 Hours - Sky Ferreira
    You Haunt Me - Sir Sly
    Line of Fire - Junip
    Disappear - Seryn
    After the Disco - Broken Bells (The Ghost Inside is actually probably my favourite)
    Fuel to Fire - Agnes Obel

    ...I'm cutting myself off now. Do you have a spotify account? I'd love to stalk your music haha!

    1. I have! Huge fan of Joss. Firefly, Dollhouse, Angel - I watched them all. I need to catch up on his Avengers stuff though. Ah, music rec's! YAY. Can't wait to check these out - thank you! And thank you for stopping by!

  7. I recommend The Universe versus Alex Woods. It's a fun, heart-warming story and I haven't heard much about it!
    Some of my favourite things are books, cats, food and shoes. :)
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Ooh, just added that to my list. Sounds interesting! I like books and food, too :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I cannot recommend highly enough "Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World" - sounds like any other bleeding heart animal story (which I'm a sucker for anyway ;) ) but it really is a beautifully written and wonderful story. It would make a great read near Christmas time :)

    1. Never heard of that one before! I do like libraries ;D

  9. You should check out blogger and author Crystal Collier, she loves cheese!! I love your answer about the ink and your bucket list! Finally I love listening to Ed Sheeran, too! My favorite artists to listen to is Kina Grannis and Colbie Calliat.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ha, glad someone appreciated my answer about ink apart from myself ;) I'm not familiar with Kina Grannis, so I'm off to check her out. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. It's so nice to meet you! I got so excited when I saw you like Florence and the Machine. I just started listening to her music and have fallen in love with it. "Dog Days Are Over" is a great song, but I have to say my favorites are probably "Heavy in Your Arms" and "All This and Heaven Too."

    Also, you cracked me up with "KABOOM, ink."

    1. Nice to meet you, too! Aw, that's so cute ^__^ I really need to check out more FaTM. I'm familiar with quite a few, but not all, and so far, I really like their sound. Must get better acquainted! I'll be sure to check out your faves, too.

      Glad to hear I cracked you up. I aim to make people laugh :) WIN.

  11. See the Northern Lights is also on my bucket list. I have a huuuge bucket list but I'm working on it hehe

    1. I think the Northern Lights are on a few bucket lists :) I only officially started writing my bucket list for this post, but I'm sure it will be long in no time!

  12. thanks for running this giveaway! it is awesome! well i love hello kitty and cupcakes and i am also a proud buffy fan! lol

  13. thankd for making this international!
    i love chocolates and pizza, I would like to visit San Francisco or Paris.
    I love dogs, tv series, movies and books, of course!
    Im from Valparaiso, Chile

  14. I'm loving your music taste, these days I'm listening to a lot of Hozier, I especially love Work Song and Like Real People Do. Some of my favourite books are Wanderlove, The Lumatere Chronicles, The Raven Cycle and The Knife of Never Letting Go.

  15. I would recommend reading The Light Between Oceans by M L Steadman! it's an awesome book.

  16. I LOVE contemporary, too (especially YA). It's what I write. But I'm also a huge Maggie Stiefvater fan, and I'll read any book that comes highly recommended. I've been super impressed with the Aussie contemporary books I've read and am definitely adding this one to my TBR list. Thanks for the rec!
