1 Apr 2012

Books I'm Wishing For: April Edition!

With so many wonderful books coming out in 2012, I thought why not highlight all the books that I’m excited for each month!

Here are the books I’m wishing for this month:
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by R.L. LaFevers – Looks…woah! Not only does the story sound incredible, but I’ve only heard wonderful things! Plus, historical fiction!

Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris – This. Looks. SO. Good! It sounds completely thrilling, exciting, mysterious and the premise sounds amazing! I *think* I might be getting a copy for review, but it publishes here in Australia in May I believe. Must. Refrain. From. Buying.

Storm by Brigid Kemmerer – I’ve already read this book but wow! It’s BEYOND good and SO swoony and action packed. Review coming soon, I promise! I want a finished copy, so I can stare my eyes out! Who's with me??

Preloved by ShirleyMarr – This book looks super enjoyable and unique and fun! Plus it’s written by Shirley, an Aussie author from Perth, WA, where I live! :)

What are you wishing for in April?