1 Apr 2012

Books I'm Wishing For: April Edition!

With so many wonderful books coming out in 2012, I thought why not highlight all the books that I’m excited for each month!

Here are the books I’m wishing for this month:
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by R.L. LaFevers – Looks…woah! Not only does the story sound incredible, but I’ve only heard wonderful things! Plus, historical fiction!

Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris – This. Looks. SO. Good! It sounds completely thrilling, exciting, mysterious and the premise sounds amazing! I *think* I might be getting a copy for review, but it publishes here in Australia in May I believe. Must. Refrain. From. Buying.

Storm by Brigid Kemmerer – I’ve already read this book but wow! It’s BEYOND good and SO swoony and action packed. Review coming soon, I promise! I want a finished copy, so I can stare my eyes out! Who's with me??

Preloved by ShirleyMarr – This book looks super enjoyable and unique and fun! Plus it’s written by Shirley, an Aussie author from Perth, WA, where I live! :)

What are you wishing for in April?


  1. I am dying to read Grave Mercy! I've heard great things about the book and I think Unraveling is going to be published here in Aussie so I must definitely grab a copy when it's out!

    STORM! STORM! STORM! Everyone go pre-order the book now! EEEE! Can't wait to read this!

    Preloved's cover is gorgeous. Haven't read any books by Shirley Marr (I've heard of Fury) but any books by Aussie authors definitely goes to my TBR!

    Thank you for sharing this post with us, Rebecca! <3

  2. WANT. WANT. WANT. WANT. WANT. I'm dying for ALL of these!

    Grave Mercy sounds badass (assassin nuns? I am SO there!). I have been hearing SO much about Unravelling lately. People are saying it's a real standout of 2012.

    And we KNOW Storm is a definite standout :D I am desperate to get my hands on an Aussie cover version to line my bookshelves! Although will it actually stay in the bookshelf for long? I think my hands are a better home :)

    And Preloved! Gorgeous cover and I love the premise. I have heard a lot about Shirley Marr and the fact that she's Aussie tells me I MUST read this.

    Awesome book list, Rebecca! But making Brodie lust for books before 9am is bad :P

  3. OH MY GOODNESSS GET OUT OF MY HEAD! YES YES AND YES to Grave Mercy and Unravelling and Storm!
