28 Oct 2014

Long Time, No See

I’ve slowly been resurfacing and showing my face around Twitter, retweeting, wishing book birthdays and such. And, here I am. Again. I swear I didn’t think I was going to be gone this long. That’s always seems to be the case though. I disappear because of life and then forget to come back, even just to tell you that I’m on hiatus and taking some time away. After months went by, I started thinking that maybe it was time to call it quits. But like always, the love of books pulled me back. I have missed you all so much; chatting books and being surrounded by like minded people and conversing with readers, authors, publishers, and of course, the written word.

Awhile ago I mentioned very briefly I wasn’t well and while I was away, I went overseas for medical treatment. Life has been very busy the last few months, heck, this year. Time is flying and I can’t believe there’s a little over two months left of 2014 - scary. As I write this post, I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know that I miss the community and being apart of it, so hopefully I’ll be around for a little while longer. My main focus is taking care of myself and getting better, along with school, but blogging is a passion, a chance for escapism. So while it isn't #1 priority, it is important to me and I miss it when I'm not present, and for now, I'll keep on blogging. 

In the mean time and until next post, I’ll be reminicing with Full House episodes (oh, childhood nostalgia), finally sitting down with that book I started a week ago and satisfying my sweet tooth with a cookie so delicious you wouldn’t believe it’s healthy. So, that’s me. What about you? I hope you are happy, healthy, have been reading good books lately and taking care. Comment and tell me what I’ve missed, how you’re going, and what you’ve been reading.