1 Jan 2015

Hello 2015: What's Ahead and Challenge Chat

Happy new year! Can you believe it’s 2015? It sounds so - big. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes us to mentally switch from 2014 to 2015 and stop writing the wrong date. For some reason, I think it's already programmed into my head. Time will tell. I wanted to share some of my blogging goals for the coming year and the challenges in which I plan to take part. And here they are:
4. Continue Debut Delirium:
I started this feature last year and then things got in the way and I didn’t continue with it. I plan to bring it back, bigger and better, and run int throughout the year. Stay tuned!

3. Tweet more about books:
I had fun with the #2015yareads tag last night, where everyone shared upcoming books we’re excited for. I’d like to do this more, especially since we can’t read all the books. Whether it’s one I’m currently reading or a book I’m anticipating (like a Waiting on Wednesday, in tweet form).

2. Continue hosting Twitter chats:
Last (I went to write ‘this year’. Not in 2015 mode just yet!) year I held two Twitter chats: one for the release of Behind the Scenes by Dahlia Adler and most recently, I led the December #15chat that connected bloggers/readers and debuts authors.

And the number 1, most important thing:
To blog for myself. I’ve blogged for four years (woah?) and when you’ve been around for that long, it’s easy to lose track of why you’re here. I’ve been told time and time again: blog for you. But it only finally sunk in when I read this post by Ashley @ Nose Graze. Do - post - read - what you want and never lose sight of who you blog for: YOU.

Last year I didn't participate in any challenges (except Goodreads); this year I plan to participate in quite a few others! 

First off: I’m setting my own DIY/Must-Read-Soon Challenge, which I did last year as well. Books I've been meaning to read, but haven't got to yet. Keeping it to six books to start off with (I’ll see how I’m doing later on):

Ink is Thicker Than Water by Amy Spalding - I loved Spaldings’ debut and then I read Estelle @ Rather Be Reading’s review/interview for Ink. Can’t wait!

Don’t Let Me Go by J.H. Trumble - I should’ve read this many moons ago. I promised in my comment to my friend, who’s review convinced me to pick it up, that I’d read it ASAP. Oh, in 2012? HA.

The 5 Wave by Rick Yancey - I’ve been wanting to read this ever since the Penguin Live event held earlier in the year. Sounds so good!

Fault Line by Christa Desir - So many reasons to read.

Every Breath by Ellie Marney - I need this like air. Too bad I can’t find a copy. *weeps* The hunt continues!

Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty - I’ve heard all the things about this Aussie YA and need to read it like yesterday, especially after Becky Albertalli rec’d it to me.

As you know, I’m co-hosting Dive Into Diversity with Rather Be Reading! We’re really excited about it and hope you are, too. ICYMI: it’s a challenge supporting diversity in lit. You can read more about it and sign-up here. I’m planning to read at least one diverse title a month. Have you signed up yet?
Dive Into Diversity Reading Challenge

Debut Author Challenge (DAC) @ That Artsy Reader Girl (formerly held by The Story Siren)
You guys know I’m a huge supporter of debuts, so this should come as no surprise. The challenge is to read "12 or more middle grade, young adult, and new adult debuts this year.” Looking forward to taking part in this again; it's been a while! Fun fact: this was the first ever challenge I signed up to.

LGBT Challenge hosted by Cayce @ Niji Feels
Another thing I love to read and support: LGBT books. Signing up was pretty much a no-brainer, plus it’ll also have some crossover with Dive Into Diversity, so that work’s out well. I’m aiming for level YA DEVOURER: 10+ YA LGBT books.

Australian Women Writers (AWW) Challenge 
"The 2015 Australian Women Writers Challenge was set up to help overcome gender bias in the reviewing of books by Australian women." The challenge: "to read and review books by Australian women throughout the year.” I aiming for Franklin: read 10 – if reviewing, review at least 6. This is perfect since I want to read more OzYA. Can't wait!

*UPDATE: I also couldn't resist the 365 Days of YA Reading Challenge, so I'm also signing up to that! It's hosted by Sarah @ What Sarah Read and Kate @ Literary Kate, inspired by Epic Reads' 365 Days of YA info graphic.  The great thing is, it's a laid-back, custom-made challenge! I'm not sure what I'll be reading yet, but it'll probably be from the 'book a day' (lots I still need to catch up on) or the current 'month' or 'season' section. Will keep you updated using HS #365DaysofYA.* (If  you haven't already, go take a good look at the graphic! The detail, effort and books-galore is fab!)

Wishing you a fabulous 2015! Let me know what you have planned for this year (blogging or otherwise!), your goals and challenges,  or, if you like to go with the flow: what's first up on your TBR?