16 Jun 2012

Peek into My Mailbox #4


Inspired by The Story Siren's IMM, Peek into My Mailbox allows me to share all the marvellous, bookish goodies I receive in the mail!

Here's what I've received in the past 2 weeks:

Philippa Gregory prize  - I now own 2 copies of Changeling… Apparently The White Queen, The Red Queen and The Lady of the Rivers are all Adult so it looks like mum will be busy reading! ;D Plus, a poster which I just couldn’t be bothered taking a photo of – whoops!

Article 5 - I’m very picky when it comes to Dystopian but this one sounds intriguing, so hopefully I’ll enjoy it! Since Brodie is so fantastic she also chucked in few swagalicous items just for the heck of it and because she’s so sweet! <3)
For Review:
Unravelling by Elizabeth Norris – EEEEEEEEEEE! SUPER excited to start this one, it looks fab!

Deadly Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock – This was a surprise in the mail but I have heard it’s surprisingly good so we’ll see…
(A huge thanks to Brodie @ Eleusinian Mysteries, Read Me. Love Me. Share Me, Harper Collins and Simon & Schuster!)
I hope you’ve had a great week and received some amazing goodies! Any surprises in the mail this week? Feel free to share!