12 Jun 2014

Mini Reviews: Six Impossible Things + Wildlife by Fiona Wood

Six Impossible Things by Fiona Wood
August 1st, 2010 · Pan Macmillan Australia
Source: Swapped
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 263
What’s it about?
Fourteen-year-old nerd-boy Dan Cereill is not quite coping with a reversal of family fortune, moving house, new school hell, a mother with a failing wedding cake business, a just-out gay dad, and an impossible crush on the girl next door.

His life is a mess, but for now he's narrowed it down to just six impossible things...
My thoughts:

Once I got through the first few chapters (which brought back bad memories of a terrible reading slump last year, when I first picked this up), I finally understood why I’ve heard such great things about this from other Aussie readers, over the past few years. It’s so unbelievably GOOD. The kind of good that you want to savour, yet read in a few sittings. I didn't want it to end and tried to put it off as long as long possible. Of course, that lasted all of about 20 minutes...

One of the things I love about Aussie YA are the underdog characters, who you can’t help but cheer for; Dan is just that. He’s loveable and awkward; his voice authentic and fresh. This book has great character development (definitely a strong point!) and features a gang of friends that’ll slowly, but surely, weave their way into your heart – I loved Estelle, Fred and Lou <3

This book is a gem; it’s funny and sharp; sweet and heartfelt. I don’t say this often, but I can definitely see myself reading this again in the future. Until then, it will sit proudly on my shelf, along with other Aussie favourites.

Do I recommend it? Absolutely, especially if you’re a fan of Aussie YA or you're anticipating the US release of Wildlife (it's already out in Oz). It’s a companion, so not necessary, but I really advise it!


June 1st, 2013 · Pan Macmillan Australia
Source: Library
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 384

What’s it about?

Life? It’s simple: be true to yourself.
The tricky part is finding out exactly who you are…

In the holidays before the dreaded term at Crowthorne Grammar’s outdoor education camp two things out of the ordinary happened.
A picture of me was plastered all over a twenty-metre billboard.
And I kissed Ben Capaldi.

Boarding for a term in the wilderness, sixteen-year-old Sibylla expects the gruesome outdoor education program – but friendship complications, and love that goes wrong? They’re extra-curricula.

Enter Lou from Six Impossible Things – the reluctant new girl for this term in the great outdoors. Fragile behind an implacable mask, she is grieving a death that occurred almost a year ago. Despite herself, Lou becomes intrigued by the unfolding drama between her housemates Sibylla and Holly, and has to decide whether to end her self-imposed detachment and join the fray.

And as Sibylla confronts a tangle of betrayal, she needs to renegotiate everything she thought she knew about surviving in the wild.

A story about first love, friendship and NOT fitting in.
My thoughts:

Straight after finishing Six Impossible Things, my goal in life became getting my hands on this book. It took a week, but as you can see, I succeeded. While I didn’t love it like I wanted to or the way everyone else seems to have, I did like it.

There’s great character growth from both girls; Lou’s dealing with grief, loss and how to fill her gaping heart, while Sib is navigating sex for the first time, love and a sticky friendship. Though both girls are dealing with their own problems, it was nice to watch them come together and eventually form a friendship. Everyone needs a good, true, reliable friend by their side and I’m glad these two found each other.

Set in the wilderness, I enjoyed the change of setting and the different opportunities that arose because of this. Expect hiking, camping, crappy food (except for the redskins which left with a craving and sage advice: snap before you buy!) pranks, talent shows and mischief.

Wildlife is honest and not afraid to tell it like it is, whether it’s addressing sex or death (these are the two biggies), and it’s one of the many reasons why I can’t wait to read Wood’s next book. Whatever it’s about you can count me in.

Do I recommend it? If you're after an authentic, raw story, I think you'll enjoy it. So, yes.
