29 Nov 2014

Book Haul: 6 Months in the Making

I've gotten a heap of books over the last 6 months - most were purchased or swapped, and a few were from a giveaway or for review. Either way, I thought you might like to take a sneak peak at the new/ish books on my shelf. And of course, now that I have your attention, I can do one of my favourite things - chat books!

So many books, so little time. So I'll just highlight a few titles...

Currently reading Sacrifice (thanks Allen & Unwin) and it's going great. Looking forward to seeing how the series ends. I've heard mixed things about How to Love, but I also know quite a few of blogger friends who loved it. Interested to where I fall on the scale. Same goes for Grasshopper Jungle - I think it's either a love it or hate it kind of book. What I Thought Was True and Nantucket Blue look like great Summer reads. Which, you know, is great, because it's starting to heat up in Australia! I've yet to read a book by Maggie Stiefvater (it was on my must-get-to this year... #fail), but now I have The Raven Boys, I don't have an excuse, do I? To all you super fans out there, do you think this is a good place to start? I only just found out about The Astrologer's Daughter, but it sounds great - I love a good mystery/thriller, plus it's Aussie! Spirit Bound is me just adding to my collection - VA being my favourite series and all. Gone sounds like a very entertaining series and I've heard good things. 

Which of these titles have you read or want to read yourself? Let me know which books I should bump up on the TBR!