6 Oct 2011

Too early to mention a Christmas Giveaway..?

Hey Guys,
Hope your week is going well and your indulging in a fantastic book!
Anyways, onto my second post for the day!
I am pumped. Why, you might ask? Well...it’s the holidays, I finished a great book and I’ve written the review for it, and then I got thinking of a Christmas Giveaway (I know it’s only October, but I’m thinking ahead).
I know everyone love’s giveaways, so that’s why I was thinking what better way to celebrate Christmas, than with a giveaway. And if I get a whole bunch of new followers, I’ll make the prize even sweeter, to say thanks for joining my blog!
I’m already thinking about the awesome books that I’d like to giveaway! And at the moment, I’m thinking, that I’ll make it International, so no one get’s left out!
To get more followers to join in the fun, all I ask is that if you enjoy my site why not to tell a friend about my bookish blog.

Thanks for following me on my book blogging journey so far!


  1. Haha, no, I don't think it's too early. :) Time goes by so fast!

    Keep up the good work and happy reading.

    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  2. there´s no such thing as too early when we talk about holidays and giveaway in the same sentence lol!!!

