22 Dec 2011

Review: Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick (Hush, Hush Series - Book #3)

October 1st, 2011 ∙ Simon & Schuster

Source: Purchased

Format: Paperback

Page Count: 448

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.


After reading Crescendo’s crazy cliff hanger I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book! Luckily, mum let me have it from under the Christmas tree early, except of course we had to find it first, and that’s not an easy task as a lot of the presents look alike! But, I did find it eventually, so read on to find out what I thought of Silence!
Like the previous two books, Silence is very captivating, suspenseful and will leave you wondering what’s around the corner! But it is indeed very different. At the start I wasn’t loving it as much as I thought I would because you feel a bit lost, with everything that’s happening with Nora and the such, I felt frazzled. But that didn’t last too long. Soon it was making more sense and things were becoming much clearer and bam, your back into the swing of it!
Yes, for me Silence was different but it ended up being a good different. Your probably thinking how could it change much from the previous two books, from Patch and Nora being on again, off again and crazy angel debacles, but it did. I’m trying to put my finger on it, what made it different, and there are a number of reasons, but one that really sticks out like a chord is how the story has developed and the characters have grown.
I haven’t really focused on Becca’s writing in the two previous book reviews (whoops!) because of all the other stuff that was happening, but here it goes. When I was reading this book, I found myself pausing the story and just focusing on the authors prose and wow, I simply love it. You probably don’t really take notice of her writing as your so absorbed in what’s going on, so next time take a minute and enjoy her easy reading, fun prose.
In Crescendo I found Nora to be a bit whiny and annoying, thankfully this time round she didn’t bother me. I wish Vee had of been in it more, but I hope and have a feeling she’s going to be in the next book more, so let’s wait and see! And need I go on, you know I love him but I’ll say it again, Patch you swoony guy you!
With Silence’s ending, I cannot wait for the last book to find out what’s going to happen and see how they end this thing!
Rating 4/5


  1. hav not red book1
    great review

  2. This one did leave quite a cliffhanger like the last one. Curious to see where it goes. I didn't quite love this as much as the first but there was still some good adventure and surprises. Patch and Scott are both yummy and fun. Nora can be whiny but with her memory lost she seemed to fight for her memories. I enjoyed this.
    Check out my Saturday Situation review if you have time Reign Fall
